New research from OIBR Fellow, Gene Brody, links poverty to stifled brain development in children.
Listen in as he talks about his findings: Dr. Gene Brody talks with On Second Thought on March 2, 2017
Listen in as he talks about his findings: Dr. Gene Brody talks with On Second Thought on March 2, 2017
The Research Awards Program, sponsored by the University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc., recognizes excellence in UGA research and scholarly creativity.
OIBR Affiliate Jayani Jayawardhana (Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy) just received her first NIH R01 for the project titled, “Opioid Prescribing in Medicaid: Healthcare Utilization and Deaths from Overdose”.
A team of researchers led by faculty at the University of Georgia has identified a number of biological markers that make it possible to classify mental disorders with greater precision.