OIBR Affiliates represents a wide range of faculty members and research staff from departments across campus. Anyone with a Behavioral/Social Science component to their research who wishes to be included in communications about upcoming events and research related topics may request to be an Affiliate of OIBR.
Abraham, Anna
E. Paul Torrance Professor, Educational Psychology
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2014-2015
Research Interests: Creativity; Imagination; Neuroscience; Cognition
Acheme, Doris
Assistant Professor, Communication Studies
Research Interests: Intergroup and intercultural communication; Social identity negotiation; Language attitudes; Racial ideologies
Adah Miller, Emily
Assistant Professor, Math, Science, and Social Studies Education
Research Interests: Culture, Diversity, Education and Learning, Environment and Ecosystems, STEM
Ager, Mary
Associate Professor, School of Social Work
Research Interests: Consumer debt/credit; Social policy; Poverty; Economic survival strategies
Ahn, Daehwan
Assistant Professor, Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics
Research Interests: Computational Methods, Education and Learning, Experimental Methods, Higher Education, Infant and Child Development, Mental Health, Mental Illness and Disorders, Organizations, STEM, Work and Occupations
Anastasopoulos, Jason
Associate Professor, Public Administration and Policy
Research Interests: American Politics; Bureaucracy; Bayesian Statistics; Machine Learning; Casual Inference
Anjum, Javad
Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences & Special Education
Research Interests: Eye tracking; Stroke; Cognition; Language
Antonoudi, Efthymia (Effie)
Assistant Professor, Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics
Research Interests: Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Diversity, Education and Learning, Immigration, Marriage, Family, and Close Relationships, Mental Health, Substance Use and Addiction
Arroyo, Analisa
Associate Professor, Communication Studies
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2015-2017
Research Interests: Body image issues; Psychological well-being; Mental health; Health related outcomes of communication; Body Communications
Bagdy, Lauren
Assistant Professor, Workforce Education and Instructional Technology
Research Interests: Assessment and Evaluation, Education and Learning, Higher Education, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood
Bagwell Adams, Grace
Associate Professor, Health Policy and Management
Research Interests: Health policy; Program Evaluation; Food insecurity; Maternal/Child health.
Bailey, Lynn
Emeritus Professor, Nutritional Sciences
Research Interests: Folate status and metabolism; Maternal health; Fetal development
Baker III, Thomas
Professor, Kinesiology
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2013-2014
Research Interests: Branding legality; Brand equity; Image rights; Advertising regulations; Social media; Sexual violence in youth sports
Bankert, Alexa
Associate Professor, Political Science
Research Interests: Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Cognition, Conflict, Emotion, Experimental Methods, Identity, Social Psychology, Survey Methods
Banks, Leon
Assistant Professor, Social Work
Research Interests: Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Culture, Diversity, Mental Health, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood
Barany, Deborah
Assistant Professor, Kinesiology
Research Interests: Motor control, fMRI, Sensorimotor decision-making, Neurostimulation, Neurorehabilitation
Barger, Michael
Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2023-2025
Research Interests: Early childhood learning; motivation and achievement in STEM
Bauer, Brian
Assistant Professor, Psychology
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2022-2024
Research Interests: Suicide; Behavioral economics; Decisions
Bolger, Molly
Associate Professor, Cellular Biology
Research Interests: Education and Learning, Higher Education, STEM
Bradford, W. David
Professor, Public Administration and Policy
Research Interests: Time and risk preferences; Health care related decisions; Behavioral economics; Consumer choice
Brickman, Peggy
Professor, Plant Biology
Research Interests: Learning objectives; Science literacy; Collaborative learning
Bruner, Christopher
Stembler Family Distinguished Professor, School of Law
Research Interests: Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, International Relations, Organizations, Policy, Regulation, and Compliance
Bub, Kristen
Professor, Educational Psychology
Research Interests: Social competence; Self-regulation; Executive function; Early childhood; Research methods
Burch, Elizabeth
Fuller E. Callaway Chair of Law, School of Law
Research Interests: Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Diversity, Gender, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, Networks
Bush, Bryana
Lecturer, Physiology & Pharmacology
Research Interests: Assessment and Evaluation, Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Cognition, Communication, Diversity, Education and Learning, Higher Education, STEM
Cacciatore, Michael
Associate Professor, Advertising & Public Relations
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2018-2020
Research Interests: Media depictions of science and risk issues; social media; and media communication process
Cagliani, Rachel
Associate Professor, Communication Sciences & Special Education
Research Interests: Autism Spectrum Disorder; Communication; Behavior analysis
Cahnmann-Taylor, Melisa
Meigs Professor, Language and Literacy Education
Research Interests: TESOL, Bilingual Education, Foreign Language Education, Poetry, Theatre
Calabria, Jon
Professor, Landscape Architecture
Research Interests: Assessment and Evaluation, Culture, Diversity, Education and Learning, Environment and Ecosystems, Geographic Information Systems, Survey Methods
Card, Noel
Professor, Human Development and Family Science
Research Interests: Peer Relations; Aggression; Meta-analysis; and Longitudinal modeling
Carswell, Andy
Professor, Financial Planning, Housing, and Consumer Economics
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2019-2021
Research Interests: Housing counseling; sprawl/growth management initiatives; residential mobility programs; predatory lending & mortgage fraud; affordable lending programs and access to financing
Chacon, Dustin
Assistant Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests: Cognition, Experimental Methods, Infant and Child Development, Neuroscience
Chapman-Hilliard, Collette
Associate Professor, Counseling and Human Development Services
Research Interests: Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Culture, Diversity, Higher Education, Identity, Mental Health, Mental Illness and Disorders, Survey Methods, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood
Chen, Zhuo “Adam”
Professor, Health Policy & Management
Research Interests: Mental Health; Health Policy; Economics of genomics; Economic evaluation
Clark, Malissa
Associate Professor & Associate Head, Psychology
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2014-2015
Research Interests: Workaholism; Work/family conflict; Enrichment; Employee health and well-being; Gender; Mood/emotions
Clay, K. Chad
Associate Professor, International Affairs
Research Interests: Human rights; Political processes; Policy outcomes; Advocacy; Economic and Labor rights
Cooper, Alexandra
Post-doctoral Researcher, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Research Interests: Instructor reasoning; Research teaching; Science practice instruction
Cooper, Jamie
Professor and Department Head, Kinesiology
Research Interests: Human health and Chronic disease risk reduction
Correia, Stephen
Associate Professor, Health Promotion & Behavior
Research Interests: Aging and Gerontology, Cognition, Mental Health, Neuroscience
Cotterell, Michael
Senior Lecturer, Computer Science
Research Interests: Computer Science Education, Open Science, Functional Data Analysis
Cotwright, Caree
Associate Professor, Nutritional Sciences
Research Interests: Wellness best practices; Childhood obesity prevention; Early childhood obesity; Nutrition intervention
Coverdill, James
Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor, Sociology
Research Interests: Professions; surgeons; medical education; work hours; fatigue
Dazzo, Giovanni
Assistant Professor, Lifelong Education, Administration & Policy
Research Interests: Adolescents, Children and Youth; Culture; Education and Learning; LGBTQ; Methods Specialization
DeMeester, Karen
Public Service Associate, Carl Vinson Institute of Government
Research Interests: Decision making; Designing methods/instruments for collecting data; Translating data into actionable findings
Dumas, Denis
Associate Professor, Educational Psychology
Research Interests: Creativity; Psychometrics; Reasoning; Test development; Learning
Dunnigan, Allison
Associate Professor, Social Work
Research Interests: Macro- and mezzo- level child welfare structural factors of youth and family outcomes; Policy and practice interventions
Elkins, Jennifer
Associate Professor, Social Work
Research Interests: Sexual abuse; Child maltreatment; Multigenerational trauma; Violence and loss; PTSD; Trauma related disorders
Ellis, Amy
Professor, Math, Science, and Social Studies Education
Research Interests: Cognition, Education and Learning, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood
Ellison, Tisha Lewis
Associate Professor, Language and Literacy Education
Research Interests: Family literacy; Digital literacy; Multimodal literacy; Community literacy; African American families
Emerson, Kerstin Gerst
Clinical Associate Professor, Health Policy & Management
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2019-2021
Research Interests: Loneliness and social engagement as a public health issue among older adults
Evans, Nate
Associate Professor, Advertising & Public Relations
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2019-2021
Research Interests: Health communication; consumers interaction; and processing of messaging
Fan, Lu
Associate Professor, Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics
Research Interests: Aging and Gerontology, Assessment and Evaluation, Cognition, Education and Learning, Emotion, Gender, Mental Health, Personality, Social Psychology, Survey Methods, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood
Fazlul, Ishtiaque
Assistant Professor, Health Policy & Management and International Affairs (Jointly)
Research Interests: Health Economics; Education Economics
Fields-Smith, Cheryl
Professor & Graduate Coordinator, Educational Theory & Practice
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2012-1013
Research Interests: Family involvement Multicultural learning; Homeschooling; African American families
Fisher, Sycarah
Associate Professor & Graduate Coordinator, Educational Psychology
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2020-22
Research Interests: Minority Health; Implementation Science; Substance Abuse; School-based Interventions
Foohey, Pamela
Professor, School of Law
Research Interests: Aging and Gerontology, Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Emotion, Gender, Marriage, Family, and Close Relationships, Mental Health, Networks, Organizations, Physical Health and Well-being, Policy, Regulation, and Compliance, Sexuality and Sexual Identity, Substance Use and Addiction, Survey Methods, Work and Occupations
Frick, Janet
Associate Professor, Psychology
Research Interests: Developmental psychology; Infancy; Visual attention; Joint attention
Fusco, Rachel
Associate Dean for Faculty & Academic Affairs
UGA Athletic Association Professor, Social Work
Research Interests: New mothers with opioid use disorders; Treatment adherence; Safe parenting
Futris, Ted
Georgia Athletic Association Professor, Human Development & Family Science
Research Interests: Couple relations; Co-parenting; Relationship enrichment; Marriage; Marital quality, Marital stability
Galvan, Thania
Assistant Professor, Psychology
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2024-2026
Research Interests: Mental health disparities: Latinx youth & families: Latinx immigrants; Traumatic stress; Risk & Resilience pathways
Gay, Jennifer
Associate Professor, Health Promotion & Behavior
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2018-2020
Research Interests: Physical activity; children; adolescents; occupational health; growth & maturation; and measurement & methodological issues
Geier, Charles
Professor, Human Development and Family Science
Research Interests: Cognition, Computational Methods, Diversity, Emotion, Experimental Methods, Food & Nutrition, Mental Health, Mental Illness and Disorders, Networks, Neuroscience, Obesity, Physical Health and Well-being, Psychophysiology, Risk Behaviors, Substance Use and Addiction, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood
German, Laura
Professor, Anthropology
Director, Center for Integrative Conservation Research
Research Interests: Land and environmental governance, property rights, sub-Saharan Africa.
Gibbs, Daniel
Assistant Professor, Social Work
Research Interests: Child well-being, Professional decision-making, Foster care, Data science, Social work and the law
Gibbs, Jeremy
Associate Professor, Social Work
Research Interests: Sexual minority youth; Behavioral health outcomes; Technology and health research; Religious identity dissonance; Spatial analysis; Social network analysis.
Gonlin, Vanessa
Assistant Professor, Sociology
Research Interests: Race and Ethnicity; Inequality
Goodwin, Emma
Assistant Professor, Microbiology
Research Interests: Assessment and Evaluation, Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Diversity, Education and Learning, Higher Education, Identity, Mental Health, Social Psychology, STEM
Goulart, Pedro
Data Analyst, School of Social Work- CenHTRO
Research Interests: Computational Methods, Conflict, Experimental Methods, Geographic Information Systems, International Relations, Networks, Organizations, Policy, Regulation, and Compliance, Survey Methods
Graizbord, Diana
Assistant Professor, Sociology
Research Interests: Sociology of science; Political sociology; Globalization; Development and Social change; Culture
Haas, Brian
Associate Professor, Psychology
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2011-2012
Research Interests: Social and affective functioning in humans; Culture; Decision making; Individual differences
Haider, M. Rifat
Assistant Professor, Health Policy & Management
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2022-2024
Research Interests: HIV/AIDS; Substance abuse; Maternal & child health
Haire, Susan
Professor & Department Head, Political Science
Research Interests include: Judicial behavior; Gender; Race; Ethnicity
Halmo, Stephanie
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Cellular Biology
Research Interests include: Student thinking, Metacognition, Problem solving, Group work
Hamel, Erin
Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences & Special Education
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2023-2025
Research Interests include: Early childhood teaching; workplace supports; education quality
Han, Jeong-Yeob
Associate Professor, Advertising & Public Relations
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2017-19
Research Interests: eHealth communication; Social media; Online communities; Cancer communication; Media effects
Han, Seung-hyun (Caleb)
Associate Professor, Lifelong Learning, Administration and Policy
Research Interests: Knowledge Sharing, Organization Learning, Quantitative Research, Social Capital, Social Network Analysis
Hansen, Nathan
Professor, Health Promotion & Behavior
Research Interests: Mental Health; Sexual Health; Substance use; HIV prevention and care; Traumatic stress
Harrison, Ashley Johnson
Associate Professor, Educational Psychology
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2015-17
Research Interests: Autism; Eye-tracking; Cross-cultural; Attention; Global
He, Yimin
Assistant Professor, Psychology
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2024-2026
Research Interests: Culture, Mental Health, Networks, Organizations, Physical Health and Well-being, Survey Methods, Work and Occupations
Heil, Austin
Academic Professional Associate, Marine Science
Research Interests: Education and Learning, Higher Education, STEM
Hetherington, Emma
Clinical Associate Professor, School of Law
Research Interests: Policy, Regulation, and Compliance, Prevention and Implementation Science, Survey Methods, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood
Himelboim, Itai
Professor, Advertising & Public Relations
Research Interests: Computer-mediated social networks; Political communication; International communication; News
Holloway, Steve
Professor, Geography
Research Interests: Urban nature; Race; Racialization; Inequality; Housing; Labor
Howe, Chad
Professor, Linguistics/Romance Languages/Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Research Interests: Communication, Computational Methods, Diversity, Immigration, Social Psychology
Huang, Ching-Yu
Associate Director for Active Learning Initiatives, Center for Teaching and Learning
Research Interests: Education and Learning
Huang, Peng
Assistant Professor, Sociology
Research Interests: Aging and Gerontology, Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Computational Methods, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, Immigration, Infectious Disease, International Relations, Networks, Survey Methods
Jaskyte, Kristina
Professor, Social Work
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2011-2012
Research Interests: Nonprofit organizations; Organizational culture; Cross-cultural studies; Individual creativity
Jin, Yan
C. Richard Yarbrough Professor in Crisis Communication Leadership
Professor of Public Relations
Director, Crisis Communication Think Tank
Associate Director, Center for Health & Risk Communication, Grady College
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2016-18
Research Interests: Crisis communication; Risk communication; Social media; Conflict; Emotion; Disaster
Jo, Jeyeon
Assistant Professor, Textiles, Merchandising, and Interiors
Research Interests: Computational Methods, Exercise, Physical Health and Well-being, Work and Occupations
Johnson, Tracey
Assistant Professor, History
Research Interests: Crime and Corrections, Culture, Diversity, Education and Learning, Gender, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood
Knight, Jessica
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology and Biostatistics
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2021-2023
Research Interests: Child health, Cardiovascular disease, Chronic disease, Epidemiology, and Birth defects
Kopcha, Theodore
Professor, Workforce Education & Instructional Technology
Research Interests: Embodied cognition; multimodal analysis; embodied interaction; STEM education
Koss, Kalsea
Assistant Professor, Human Development and Family Science
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2018-2020
Research Interests: Stress; Child adversity; Epigenetics; Resilience
Krimm, Hannah
Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences and Special Education
Research Interests: Developmental language disorders, reading, writing, and dyslexia
Kurtz, Hilda
Department Head and Professor, Geography
Research Interests: Communication, Environment and Ecosystems
Lai, Ming-Jun
Professor, Mathematics
Research Interests: Multivariate splines; Wavelets; PDE
Lapegna, Pablo
Associate Professor, Sociology
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2023-2025
Research Interests: Environmental and rural sociology; social movements; political sociology; health
Lei, Man Kit (Karlo)
Associate Professor, Sociology
Research Interests: Social Determinants of Health and Aging; Quantitative methods; Neighborhood studies; Criminology
Li, Niying
Assistant Professor, Clinical & Administrative Pharmacy
Research Interests: Aging and Gerontology, Immigration, Policy, Regulation, and Compliance, Survey Methods
Liu, Liu
Assistant Research Scientist, Social Work
Research Interests: Assessment and Evaluation, Computational Methods, Education and Learning, Experimental Methods, Marriage, Family, and Close Relationships, STEM, Survey Methods, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood
Lieberman-Betz, Rebecca
Professor, Communication Sciences and Special Education
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2014-16
Research Interests: Early childhood special education; parent responsibility; Communication development; Autism Spectrum Disorder; Developmental disabilities
Lu, Peng
Assistant Professor, Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication
Research Interests: Communication, Education and Learning, Emotion, Environment and Ecosystems, Experimental Methods, Food & Nutrition, Higher Education, STEM
Ma, Ping
Distinguished Research Professor, Statistics
Research Interests: Bioinformatics, imaging, functional data analysis, big data analytics, high performance computing
Majewska, Ania
Assistant Professor, Physiology and Pharmacology
Research Interests: Culture, Education and Learning, Higher Education, Infectious Disease, STEM, Survey Methods
Mammadov, Sakhavat
Associate Professor, Educational Psychology
Research Interests: Education and Learning, Emotion, Experimental Methods, Personality, Physical Health and Well-being, STEM, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood
Martella, Amedee
Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology
Research Interests: Cognition, Education and Learning, STEM
Matthew, Rebecca
Associate Professor, Social Work
Research Interests: Community health and well-being ; Cooperatives and the solidarity economy; Community-based participatory research and practice; Environmental justice
McFarlane, Soroya Julian
Assistant Professor, Communication Studies
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2021-2023
Research Interests: Health communication; health disparities; culture; new prevention technologies; participatory research methods
McNulty, Thomas
Associate Professor, Sociology
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2004-2005
Research Interests: Race; Ethnicity; Inequality; Crime and law; Deviance
McPherson, Jane
Associate Professor, Social Work
Research Interests: Human rights
Meixner, John
Assistant Professor, School of Law
Research Interests: Crime and Corrections, Experimental Methods, Neuroscience, Psychophysiology, Social Psychology, Survey Methods
Mihm, Stephen
Professor and Department Head, History
Research Interests: Economic history; History of organizations
Melcher, Katherine
Professor, College of Environment and Design
Research Interests: Aging and Gerontology, Cognition, Culture, Environment and Ecosystems, Ethnography, Gender, Geographic Information Systems, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, Identity, Mental Health, Obesity, Organizations, Physical Health and Well-being, Policy, Regulation, and Compliance, Prevention and Implementation Science, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood
Moore, Kevin
Professor, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Education
Research Interests: Cognition, Education and Learning
Mote, Thomas
Distinguished Research Professor, Geography
Research Interests: Meteorology; Climatology; Hydroclimatology
Mowbray, Orion
Associate Dean for Research
Professor, Social Work
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2015-17
Research Interests: Substance use treatment initiation; Implementation of evidence-based practices
Mu, Lan
Professor, Geography
Research Interests: Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Computational Methods, Environment and Ecosystems, Food & Nutrition, Geographic Information Systems, Mental Health, Physical Health and Well-being, STEM
Muilenburg, Jessica
Assistant Dean for Strategic Initiatives and Assessment
Professor, Health Promotion and Behavior
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2006-2007
Research Interests: tobacco cessation in substance abuse treatment facilities, tobacco use in adolescents and young adults, tobacco disparities in African Americans, substance abuse, adolescent risky behaviors
Murphy, Patricia
Instructor, School of Law
Research Interests: Conflict, Emotion, Maltreatment and Trauma, Marriage, Family, and Close Relationships, Mental Health, Social Psychology
Mustard, David
Professor, Economics
Research Interests: Microeconomics; Crime; Gambling; Law; Gun control; Merit-based aid
Nelson, Don
Professor and Graduate Coordinator, Anthropology
Research Interests: Vulnerability and adaptation studies; Food and water security; Global climate and environmental change; Land-use and land-cover change; Water governance and ethics; International development
Niying, Li
Assistant Professor, Clinical & Administrative Pharmacy
Research Interests: Aging and Gerontology, Immigration, Policy, Regulation, and Compliance, Survey Methods
Noble, Emily
Associate Professor, Nutritional Sciences
Research Interests: Cognition, Exercise, Food & Nutrition, Neuroscience, Obesity, Substance Use and Addiction, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood
Nowak, Glen
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies
Professor, Advertising & Public Relations
Research Interests: Vaccination; Infectious Diseases; Health Communication; Risk Communication; News Media; Advertising
Olenick, Jeffrey
Assistant Professor, Psychology
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2024-2026
Research Interests: Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Computational Methods, Diversity, Education and Learning, Organizations, Work and Occupations
Outland, Neal
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Research Interests: Teams; networks; nonlinear dynamics; computational models
Ovid, Dax
Assistant Professor, Physiology and Pharmacology
Research Interests: Curriculum studies; Higher education; Instructor talk; Study abroad
Owsiak, Andrew
Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor, International Affairs
Research Interests: Countries fighting one another; Peaceful relations; Ending conflict
Padilla, Heather
Associate Professor, Health Promotion & Behavior
Research Interests: Evaluation; Nutrition; Physical activity; Worksites; Rural communities
Pjesivac, Ivanka
Associate Professor, Journalism
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2019-2021
Research Interests: Media effects; International and cross cultural communication; Virtual reality journalism
Porumbescu, Gregory
Associate Professor, Public Administration and Policy
Research Interests: Assessment and Evaluation, Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Communication, Computational Methods, Experimental Methods, Geographic Information Systems, Policy, Regulation, and Compliance, Work and Occupations
Quinn, Shannon
Associate Professor, Computer Science
Research Interests: Distributed computing; Deep learning; Computer vision; Bio-imaging; Public health informatics; Bio-surveillance
Rajbhandari-Thapa, Janani
Associate Professor, Health Policy and Management
Research Interests: Policy; Program planning and evaluation, Application of behavioral economics; Childhood obesity; Food behavior
Ratcliff, Chelsea
Assistant Professor, Communication Studies
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2021-2023
Research Interests: Alcohol, Drug Use and other Addictive / Risky Behaviors, Cognitive Processes and Emotions, Communications, Genetics, Obesity and other Chronic Diseases
Ravindran, Niyantri
Assistant Professor, Human Development & Family Science
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2023-2025
Research Interests: Dynamics of parent-child interactions; parental socialization of emotion; stress reactivity and regulation in parents and children; emotion regulation; social competence; peer relationships
Rawal, Smita
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Clinical & Administrative Pharmacy
Research Interests: Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Chronic Disease, Diversity, Geographic Information Systems, Mental Health, Mental Illness and Disorders, Physical Health and Well-being, Risk Behaviors, Substance Use and Addiction, Survey Methods
Read, Glenna
Associate Professor, Advertising & Public Relations
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2022-2024
Research Interests: Video surveillance; Video interpretation bias; Media effects; Social representation and message processing; Decision-making
Rivero, Rosana
Associate Professor, College of Environment + Design
Research Interests: Education and Learning, Environment and Ecosystems, Geographic Information Systems, Higher Education, STEM, Survey Methods
Robertson, Melissa
Assistant Professor, Psychology
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2023-2025
Research Interests: Social relationships; mentoring and supervision; diversity and inclusion; health and wellbeing; measurement and methodology
Robinson, Michael A.
Professor, Social Work
Research Interests: Photovoice; African Americans; Youth; Police encounters
Rodrigues, Usha
Dean and University Professor, School of Law
Research Interests: Higher Education, Organizations
Russo-Tait, Tatiane
Assistant Professor, Cellular Biology
Research Interests: Critical consciousness; Equity; Social justice in STEM
Sabatinelli, Dean
Associate Professor, Psychology
Research Interests: Anxiety; Brain Connectivity; Depression; Functional Imaging; Sex Differences
Safadi, Hani
Associate Professor, Management Information Systems
Research Interests: Healthcare IT; Open-source organizing; Social media; Online Communities
Salmi, Roberta
Assistant Professor, Anthropology
Research Interests: Cognition, Communication, Culture
Sanders, Ashley
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Research Interests: Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Cognition, Diversity, Environment and Ecosystems, Gender, Genetics and Epigenetics, Infant and Child Development, Infant and Maternal Health, Maltreatment and Trauma, Mental Health, Mental Illness and Disorders, Neuroscience, Psychophysiology, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood
Sattler, Lilian
Associate Professor, Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2015-2017
Research Interests: Nutrition; Cardiovascular health; Pharmacotherapy; Global health
Schecter, Aaron
Associate Professor, Management Information Systems
Research Interests: Computational Methods, Experimental Methods, Networks, Organizations
Schlesinger, Ari
Assistant Professor, School of Computing
Research Interests: Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Communication, Computational Methods, Culture, Diversity, Education and Learning, Ethnography, Gender, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, Identity, Media, Organizations, Policy, Regulation, and Compliance, Sexuality and Sexual Identity, STEM, Work and Occupations
Sekandi, Juliet
Associate Professor, Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Research Interests: Tuberculosis & HIV/AIDS; Urban Community-based Health Research; Patient Satisfaction; Mobile Health (mHealth); Maternal and Reproductive Health
Seock, Yoo-Kyoung
Professor & Graduate Coordinator, Textiles, Merchandising & Interiors
Research Interests: Consumer psychology and behavior, cross-cultural study, adolescents’ behavioral study
Serviansky, Daniel
Faculty Director of the Program in Alternative Dispute Resolution, School of Law
Research Interests: Communication, Conflict, Education and Learning, Emotion, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, Identity, Immigration, Marriage, Family, and Close Relationships, Mental Health, Neuroscience, Organizations, Personality, Social Psychology, Work and Occupations
Shannon, Jerry
Associate Professor, Geography
Research Interests: Community engaged research; Food security/Food access; Housing; Urban development; Critical GIS
Shannon, Sarah
Meigs Professor, Sociology
Research Interests: Inequality; Family; Life course; Aging; Crime; Law; Deviance
Sheagley, Geoffrey
Associate Professor, Political Science
Research Interests: Political psychology; political polarization; decision-making; political knowledge
Singh, Shane
Professor, International Affairs
Research Interests: Elections; Democracy; Political attitudes; Electoral behavior; Electoral rules
Sinha, Gaurav R.
Assistant Professor, Social Work
Research Interests: Computational Methods, Higher Education, Mental Health
Skinner-Dorkenoo, Allison
Assistant Professor, Psychology
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2019-2021
Research Interests: Transmission of social bias and prejudice among both children and adults
Slatcher, Richard
Gail M. Williamson Distinguished Professor, Psychology
Research Interests: Social relationships; health & well-being; asthma; and psychoneuroimmunology
Smith, Christian
Assistant Professor, Higher Education
Research Interests: Education and Learning, Higher Education, Mental Health
Song, Suhang
Assistant Professor, Health Policy & Management
Research Interests: Health disparities; Health policy; Health economics; Non-communicable diseases; Cognitive aging
Stauffer, Katelyn
Assistant Professor, Political Science
Research Interests: Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Diversity, Experimental Methods, Gender, Identity, Survey Methods
Stefaniak, Jill
Associate Professor, Workforce Education and Instructional Technology
Research Interests: Education and Learning
Tanner, Susan
Associate Professor, Anthropology
Research Interests: Chronic Disease, Culture, Ethnography, Exercise, Food & Nutrition, Infectious Disease, Physical Health and Well-being, Prevention and Implementation Science, Risk Behaviors, Survey Methods
Tate, Allan
Associate Professor, Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Research Interests: Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Chronic Disease, Computational Methods, Diversity, Environment and Ecosystems, Exercise, Food & Nutrition, Immigration, Infant and Child Development, Infant and Maternal Health, Maltreatment and Trauma, Mental Health, Physical Health and Well-being, Prevention and Implementation Science, Risk Behaviors, Survey Methods, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood
Terui, Sachiko
Assistant Professor, Communication Studies
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2022-2024
Research Interests: Health communication, Intercultural communication; Interpersonal communication; Health disparities
Thompson, Jennifer Jo
Associate Research Scientist, Crop and Soil Sciences
Research Interests: Food systems; Social justice; Policy outcomes; Risk perception; Sustainable food
Tinkler, Justine
Professor, Sociology
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2013-15
Research Interests: Social psychology; Law; Sexual misconduct; Policy; Gender; Race
Torelli, Jessica
Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences and Special Education
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2024-2026
Research Interests: Teacher professional development; preventive behavior interventions; function-based assessment and intervention; functional analysis
Tuma, Trevor
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Research Interests: Assessment and Evaluation, Diversity, Education and Learning, Marriage, Family, and Close Relationships, Mental Health, STEM
Verma, Amitabh
Associate Professor, College of Environment + Design
Research Interests: Mental health; Stress/Anxiety alleviation; Design communication; Sketching; Drawing
Vick, Alfred
Georgia Power Professor in Environmental Design, College of Environment + Design
Research Interests: Environment and Ecosystems, Exercise, Geographic Information Systems, Obesity, Physical Health and Well-being
Villa Zapata, Lorenzo
Assistant Professor, Clinical & Administrative Pharmacy
Research Interests: Chronic Disease, Diversity, Substance Use and Addiction
Wang, Shiyu
Associate Professor, Educational Psychology
Research Interests: Latent variable modeling; Adaptive design; Educational measurement; Statistics; Psychometric
Warmath, Dee
Associate Professor, Financial Planning, Housing, & Consumer Economics
Research Interests: Well-being; Financial decision-making; Decision skill; Overconfidence; economic empowerment
Watkins, Kimberly
Assistant Professor, Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics
Research Interests: Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Culture, Diversity, Education and Learning, Emotion, Gender, Identity, Marriage, Family, and Close Relationships, Mental Health, Personality, Physical Health and Well-being, Sexuality and Sexual Identity, Social Psychology, Survey Methods
Weatherly, Christopher
Assistant Professor, Social Work
Research Interests: Environment and Ecosystems, Ethnography, Mental Health, Mental Illness and Disorders
Weliweriya, Nandana
Lecturer, Physics and Astronomy
Research Interests: Assessment and Evaluation, Education and Learning, Higher Education, STEM
Whalen, Christopher
Distinguished Research Professor, Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Research Interests: Tuberculosis and HIV
Wiegert, Craig
Associate Professor, Physics & Astronomy
Research Interests: Assessment and Evaluation, Computational Methods, Education and Learning, Higher Education, STEM
Wieling, Elizabeth
Professor, Human Development and Family Science
Research Interests: Traumatic Stress, Evidence Based Interventions for Parenting, Latinx families, Children and families
Winkelman Richardson, Evin
Assistant Research Scientist, Human Development and Family Science
Research Interests: Communication, Conflict, Marriage, Family, and Close Relationships
Wojdynski, Bartosz
Associate Professor, Journalism
Research Interests: Design; Visual attention; News; Advertising; Effects of images on persuasion
Wright, Theresa
Associate Director, Carl Vinson Institute of Government
Research Interests: Evaluation; Performance measurement; Survey research
Xie, Lusi
Assistant Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics
Research Interests: Behavioral economics; Agri-environmental policies; Ecosystem services
Xu, Jing
Assistant Professor, Kinesiology
Research Interests: Skill learning; Human dexterity; Cognition; Motor control; Neurorehabilitation
Yao, Angela
Professor, Geography
Research Interests: GIScience; Urban Growth and Transportation; Public Health; Data Analysis and Modeling; Geocomputation; Qualitative GIS
Ye, Kaixiong (Calvin)
Associate Professor, Genetics
Research Interests: Human Genetics; Nutrition; Direct-to-consumer Genetic Testing
Yi, Hui
Research Scientist, School of Social Work
Research Interests: Statistics; Data analytics; Hidden population estimation; Genetics
Yik, Brandon
Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Research Interests: STEM, Survey Methods
Yli-Piipari, Sami
Associate Professor, Kinesiology
OIBR Grant Development Program Participant 2017-2019
Research Interests: Obesity; Motivation; Physical activity; Serious games; Wellness; Exercise
Young, Henry
Department Head and Professor, Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy
Research Interests: Health outcomes; Minority populations; Under served populations
Young, Nicholas
Assistant Professor, Physics & Astronomy
Research Interests: Assessment and Evaluation, Education and Learning, Higher Education, STEM
Zeng, Yingying
Assistant Professor, Social Work
Research Interests: Assessment and Evaluation, Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Gender, Immigration, Mental Health, Policy, Regulation, and Compliance, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood
Zhai, Xiaoming
Associate Professor, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Education
Research Interests: Assessment and Evaluation, Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Education and Learning, STEM
Zhang, Liwei
Assistant Professor, Social Work
Research Interests: Infant and Child Development, Maltreatment and Trauma, Mental Health, Violence and Injury
Zhong, Wenxuan
UGA Athletic Association Professor, Statistics
Research Interests: Bioinformatics, imaging, dimension reduction, big data analytics, high performance computing