Prevention and Implementation Science


Bauer, Brian

Assistant Professor, Psychology 
2022-2024 GDP Participant, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
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Research Interests include: Suicide; Behavioral economics; Decisions

Steven R.H. Beach

Beach, Steven R.H.

Regents’ Professor, Psychology
Co-Director, Center for Family Research
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
2023 OIBR Service Legacy Award Recipient
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Research Interests include preventive intervention, epigenetic processes, family health, and marriage
Caree Cotwright

Cotwright, Caree

Associate Professor, Nutritional Sciences
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Research Interests include childhood obesity prevention, nutrition intervention, sugar sweetened beverages, and wellness best practices

Lillian Eby

Eby, Lillian

Distinguished Research Professor, Psychology 
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
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Research Interests include occupational health, relationship science, mentoring, and mindfulness

Fisher, Sycarah website

Fisher, Sycarah

Associate Professor, Educational Psychology
2020-22 GDP Participant, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
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Research Interests include substance use, minorities, African Americans, school mental health, and implementation science

Ted Futris

Futris, Ted

Georgia Athletic Association Professor, Family & Consumer Sciences
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Research Interests include couples, relationships, outreach, evaluation, and community engagement


Galvan, Thania

Assistant Professor, Psychology
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Research Interests include: Mental health disparities; Latinx youth & families; Latinx immigrants; Traumatic stress; Risk & Resilience pathways

Jeong-Yeob Han

Han, Jeong-Yeob

Associate Professor, Advertising
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Research Interests include eHealth communication, social media, online communities, cancer communication, and media effects

Hetherington, Emma

Clinical Associate Professor, School of Law
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Research Interests: Policy, Regulation, and Compliance, Prevention and Implementation Science, Survey Methods, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood

Justin Lavner

Lavner, Justin

Professor, Psychology
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
2022 OIBR Rising Star Award Recipient
2015-17 GDP Participant
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Research Interests include couples, families, prevention, health disparities and LGBTQ

McFarlane, S

McFarlane, Soroya

Assistant Professor, Communication Studies
2021-23 GDP Participant, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
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Research Interests include health communication, health disparities, community-engaged research, and culture

Melcher, Katherine
Professor, College of Environment and Design

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Research Interests include: Aging and Gerontology, Cognition, Culture, Environment and Ecosystems, Ethnography, Gender, Geographic Information Systems, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, Identity, Mental Health, Obesity, Organizations, Physical Health and Well-being, Policy, Regulation, and Compliance, Prevention and Implementation Science, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood

Glen Nowak

Nowak, Glen

Professor, Advertising Public Relations
Co-director, Grady College Center for Health & Risk Communications
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Research Interests include health communication, infectious and vaccine preventable disease communication

Orpinas-Sq. 2022

Orpinas, Pamela

Professor, Health Promotion and Behavior
Distinguished Fellow, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
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Research Interests include preventing family violence, dating aggression, and bullying; improving the lives of immigrant and underserved populations; identifying developmental trajectories of children and youth.

Jerry Shannon

Shannon, Jerry

Associate Professor, Geography
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Research Interests include food access, food insecurity, participatory research, and urban development

Suhang Song

Song, Suhang

Assistant Professor, Health Policy & Management
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Research Interests include: Health disparities; Health policy; Health economics; Non-communicable diseases; Cognitive aging

Tanner, Susan
Associate Professor, Anthropology

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Research Interests include: Chronic Disease, Culture, Ethnography, Exercise, Food & Nutrition, Infectious Disease, Physical Health and Well-being, Prevention and Implementation Science, Risk Behaviors, Survey Methods

Tate, Allan

Associate Professor, Epidemiology & Biostatistics
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Research Interests: Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Chronic Disease, Computational Methods, Diversity, Environment and Ecosystems, Exercise, Food & Nutrition, Immigration, Infant and Child Development, Infant and Maternal Health, Maltreatment and Trauma, Mental Health, Physical Health and Well-being, Prevention and Implementation Science, Risk Behaviors, Survey Methods, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood

Torelli, Jessica

Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences and Special Education
2024-2026 GDP Participant, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research

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Research Interests include: Teacher professional development; preventive behavior interventions; function-based assessment and intervention; functional analysis


Verma, Amitabh

Associate Professor, Environment + Design
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Research Interests include drawing, creativity, mental health, urban design, anxiety management, and architecture

Elizabeth Wieling

Wieling, Elizabeth

Professor, Human Development & Family Science
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Research Interests include traumatic stress, evidence based interventions for parenting, and Latinx families