
Research Personnel Hiring Process

Hiring project personnel is a cooperative effort. It takes communication among the Principal Investigator/Supervisor who is hiring, OIBR Post Award, Office of Research Finance and Human Resources, and Central HR. Below is a short list for your reference to ensure that all steps required for making a project personnel hire are completed. Thanks in advance for your partnership in this work.

  • Principal Investigator/Supervisor determines position type of employment (Graduate Research Assistantship, Graduate/Undergraduate Student Assistant, Temporary, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Staff Position) writes job description and submits position request form to designated Grants Manager. Reference Commonly Used Job Classifications for more details about each position.
  • If GRA, Student, or Temporary position, OIBR Certified HR Practitioner will either complete the direct seat process for existing/active UGA employees or post position for application/hire process.
  • Grant Manager submits Position Request action in UGAJobs and routes for approvals. (Estimated Timeframe 3-5 business days)
  • Upon position request approval, Grant Manager funds position on the appropriate project and submits position Posting Action in UGAJobs and routes for approvals.  PI/Supervisor designated as Search Committee member. (Estimated Timeframe 3-5 business days)
  • PI/Supervisor reviews applications, interviews finalists, and identifies candidates. 
  • PI/Supervisor notifies Grant Manager of the top candidate and Grant Manager drafts an offer letter. 
  • PI/Supervisor presents offer letter to candidate and returns signed offer letter to Grant Manager.
  • Grant Manager initiates Hiring Proposal action in UGAJobs and routes for approvals. (Estimated Timeframe 7-14 business days)
  • Upon Hiring Proposal final approval, Grant Manager notifies PI/Supervisor and new hire of official start date.
  • New hire will complete Onboarding process
  • Please reach out to your OIBR Grants Manager if you have any questions.