
Grace Bagwell-Adams

Bagwell-Adams, Grace

Associate Professor, Health Policy and Management
website | gbagwell@uga.edu

Research Interests:  food assistance policy, obesity policy, effect of health policy on vulnerable populations, program evaluation

Cooper, J. 2021

Cooper, Jamie

Professor and Department Head, Kinesiology
website | jamie.cooper@uga.edu

Research Interests include human health and chronic disease risk reduction

Caree Cotwright

Cotwright, Caree

Associate Professor, Nutritional Sciences
website | cjcot@uga.edu

Research Interests include childhood obesity prevention, nutrition intervention, sugar sweetened beverages, and wellness best practices


Ehrlich, Katie

Associate Professor, Psychology
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
website | kehrlich@uga.edu

Research Interests include social determinants of health, inflammation, stress, and resilience

Fazlul, Ishtiaque

Assistant Professor, Health Policy & Management and International Affairs (Jointly)
website | ifazlul@uga.edu

Research Interests include: Health economics; Education economics

Geier, Charles

Professor, Human Development and Family Science
website | Charles.Geier@uga.edu

Research Interests include: Cognition, Computational Methods, Diversity, Emotion, Experimental Methods, Food & Nutrition, Mental Health, Mental Illness and Disorders, Networks, Neuroscience, Obesity, Physical Health and Well-being, Psychophysiology, Risk Behaviors, Substance Use and Addiction, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood

Jeong-Yeob Han

Han, Jeong-Yeob

Associate Professor, Advertising
website | jeonghan@uga.edu

Research Interests include eHealth communication, social media, online communities, cancer communication, and media effects

Justin Lavner

Lavner, Justin

Professor, Psychology
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
2022 OIBR Rising Star Award Recipient
2015-17 GDP Participant
website | lavner@uga.edu

Research Interests include couples, families, prevention, health disparities and LGBTQ

Melcher, Katherine
Professor, College of Environment and Design

website | kmelcher@uga.edu

Research Interests include: Aging and Gerontology, Cognition, Culture, Environment and Ecosystems, Ethnography, Gender, Geographic Information Systems, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, Identity, Mental Health, Obesity, Organizations, Physical Health and Well-being, Policy, Regulation, and Compliance, Prevention and Implementation Science, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood

Noble, Emily
Associate Professor, Nutritional Sciences

website | emily.noble@uga.edu

Research Interests include: Cognition, Exercise, Food & Nutrition, Neuroscience, Obesity, Substance Use and Addiction, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood


Phillips, Bradley

Professor, Clinical & Administrative Pharmacy
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
website | bgp@uga.edu

Research Interests include translational sciences, sleep apnea, cardiovascular, and obesity

Joe Phua

Phua, Joe

Associate Professor, Advertising
website | joephua@uga.edu

Research Interests include communication technologies, social media, public health, obesity, and smoking


Sattler, Lilian

Associate Professor, Clinical & Administrative Pharmacy
website | lilian@uga.edu

Research Interests include nutrition, cardiovascular diseases, heart failure, and preventive medicine

Suhang Song

Song, Suhang

Assistant Professor, Health Policy & Management
website | suhang.song@uga.edu

Research Interests include: Health disparities; Health policy; Health economics; Non-communicable diseases; Cognitive aging

Vick, Alfred
Georgia Power Professor in Environmental Ethics, College of Environment and Design

website | ravick@uga.edu

Research Interests include: Environment and Ecosystems, Exercise, Geographic Information Systems, Obesity, Physical Health and Well-being


Yli-Piipari, Sami

Associate Professor, Kinesiology
website | syp@uga.edu

Research Interests include physical activity, fitness, obesity, and motivation