Education and Learning

Anna Abraham

Abraham, Anna

E. Paul Torrance Professor, Educational Psychology
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Research Interests include creativity, imagination, neuroscience, neuropsychology, and cognition

Adah Miller, Emily
Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Education

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Research Interests include: Culture, Diversity, Education and Learning, Environment and Ecosystems, STEM

Ahn, Daehwan

Assistant Professor, Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics
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Research Interests include:  Computational Methods, Education and Learning, Experimental Methods, Higher Education, Infant and Child Development, Mental Health, Mental Illness and Disorders, Organizations, STEM, Work and Occupations

Sun Joo (Grace) Ahn

Ahn, Sun Joo (Grace)

Professor, Advertising
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Research Interests include Interactive digital media; communications; social interactions; virtual experiences; STEM

Jason Anastasopoulos

Anastasopoulos, Jason

Associate Professor, Political Science and Public Administration and Policy
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Research Interests:  American politics, bureaucracy, Bayesian statistics, machine learning, and casual inference

Tessa Andrews

Andrews, Tessa

Meigs Distinguished Professor, Genetics
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
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Research Interests:  undergraduate STEM education, teacher knowledge, systemic change, evidence-based teaching, instructional change

Antonoudi, Efthymia (Effie)

Assistant Professor, Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics
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Research Interests include:  Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Diversity, Education and Learning, Immigration, Marriage, Family, and Close Relationships, Mental Health, Substance Use and Addiction

Scott Ardoin

Ardoin, Scott

Professor, Educational Psychology
Associate Dean of Research & Graduate Education
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
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Research Interests include reading comprehension, eye tracking, behavior analysis, and classroom management

Bagdy, Lauren
Assistant Professor, Workforce Education and Instructional Technology

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Research Interests include: Assessment and Evaluation, Education and Learning, Higher Education, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood

Deborah Barany

Barany, Deborah

Assistant Professor, Kinesiology
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Research Interests include motor control, decision-making, neuroimaging, and non-invasive brain stimulation

Barger, M.

Barger, Michael

Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology
2023-2025 Grant Development Program Participant
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Research Interests include motivation, STEM, developmental psychology, mindsets, and beliefs

Bolger, Molly
Associate Professor, Cellular Biology

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Research Interests include: Education and Learning, Higher Education, STEM

Bush, Bryana

Lecturer, Physiology & Pharmacology
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Research Interests include: Assessment and Evaluation, Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Cognition, Communication, Diversity, Education and Learning, Higher Education, STEM

Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor

Cahnmann-Taylor, Melisa

Meigs Professor, Language and Literacy Education
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Research Interests include TESOL, bilingual education, foreign language education, poetry, and theatre

Calabria, Jon
Professor, Landscape Architecture

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Research Interests include: Assessment and Evaluation, Culture, Diversity, Education and Learning, Environment and Ecosystems, Geographic Information Systems, Survey Methods

Margaret Caughy

Caughy, Margaret

Georgia Athletic Association Professor, Family Health Disparities
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research

Research Interests include academic achievement, self-regulation, and minoritized populations

Chacon, Dustin
Assistant Professor, Linguistics

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Research Interests include: Cognition, Experimental Methods, Infant and Child Development, Neuroscience

Cooper, Alexandra

Post-doctoral Researcher, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
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Research Interests include: Instructor reasoning; Research teaching; Science practice instruction

Cotterell, MIchael

Cotterell, Michael

Senior Lecturer, Computer Science
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Research Interests include computing education, active learning, open science, and functional data analysis

Caree Cotwright

Cotwright, Caree

Associate Professor, Nutritional Sciences
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Research Interests include childhood obesity prevention, nutrition intervention, sugar sweetened beverages, and wellness best practices


Coverdill, James

Meigs Professor, Sociology
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Research Interests include sociology of work and organizations, work-hour reforms and surgical work

Giovanni Dazzo

Dazzo, Giovanni

Assistant Professor, Lifelong Education, Administration & Policy
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Research Interests include: Adolescents; Children and Youth; Culture; Education and Learning; LGBTQ; Methods Specialization

Erin Dolan

Dolan, Erin

Meigs Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
2023 OIBR Lillian Eby Mentoring Award Recipient
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Research Interests include research training, mentorship, and career development

Denis Dumas

Dumas, Denis

Associate Professor, Educational Psychology
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Research Interests include: Creativity; Psychometrics; Reasoning; Test development; Learning

Ellis, Amy

Professor, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Education
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Research Interests include:  Cognition, Education and Learning, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood

Tisha Lewis Ellison

Ellison, Tisha Lewis

Associate Professor, Language and Literacy Education
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Research Interests include family literacy, digital libraries, multimodal literacies and community literacies

Fan, Lu
Associate Professor, Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics

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Research Interests include: Aging and Gerontology, Assessment and Evaluation, Cognition, Education and Learning, Emotion, Gender, Mental Health, Personality, Social Psychology, Survey Methods, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood

Fazlul, Ishtiaque

Assistant Professor, Health Policy & Management and International Affairs (Jointly)
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Research Interests include: Health economics; Education economics


Fields-Smith, Cheryl

Professor, Educational Theory and Practice
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Research Interests include family involvement, sociocultural context of teaching and learning, multicultural education, homeschooling among African American families, and African American educational history

Logan Fiorella

Fiorella, Logan

Associate Professor, Educational Psychology
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
2020 OIBR Rising Star Award Recipient
2016 GDP Graduate
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Research Interests include Cognitive science, instructional design, learning strategies, and multimedia learning

Goodwin, Emma

Assistant Professor, Microbiology
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Research Interests: Assessment and Evaluation, Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Diversity, Education and Learning, Higher Education, Identity, Mental Health, Social Psychology, STEM

Brian Haas

Haas, Brian

Associate Professor, Psychology
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Research Interests include social and affective functioning in humans, decision making, and individual differences

Hamel, Erin

Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences & Special Education
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Research Interests include: Early childhood teaching; Workplace supports; Education quality

Jeong-Yeob Han

Han, Jeong-Yeob

Associate Professor, Advertising
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Research Interests include eHealth communication, social media, online communities, cancer communication, and media effects

Seung-hyun Han

Han, Seung-hyun (Caleb)

Associate Professor, Lifelong Education, Administration, & Policy
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Research Interests include knowledge sharing, organization learning, quantitative research, social capital, and social network analysis


Harrison, Ashley

Associate Professor, Educational Psychology
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Research Interests include atypical emotional and social attention in childhood psychopathology, information-processing framework to examine the differential developmental trajectory of social attention among individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and identifying ways to more effectively treat attention impairments


Heil, Austin

Academic Professional Associate, Marine Science
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Research Interests include: Education and Learning, Higher Education, STEM

Huang, Ching-Yu

Associate Director for Active Learning Initiatives, Center for Teaching and Learning
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Research Interests include: Education and Learning

Johnson, Tracey

Assistant Professor, History
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Research Interests include: Crime and Corrections, Culture, Diversity, Education and Learning, Gender, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood


Theodore Kopcha

Kopcha, Theodore

Professor, Career & Information Studies
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Research Interests include embodied cognition, multimodal analysis, embodies interaction, and STEM education

Hannah Krimm

Krimm, Hannah

Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences & Special Education
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Research Interests include developmental language disorders, reading, writing, and dyslexia

Ming-Jun Lai

Lai, Ming-Jun

Professor, Mathematics
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Research Interests include the theory and application of multivariate splines

Paula Lemons

Lemons, Paula

Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Associate Dean for Social and Behavioral Sciences
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
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Research Interests include pedagogy, assessment, cognition, and organizational change

Rebecca Lieberman-Betz

Lieberman-Betz, Rebecca

Professor, Communication Sciences & Special Education
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Research Interests include special needs, parent responsibility, communication development, autism spectrum disorder, developmental disabilities, early childhood, and special education

Liu, Liu

Assistant Research Scientist, Social Work
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Research Interests: Assessment and Evaluation, Computational Methods, Education and Learning, Experimental Methods, Marriage, Family, and Close Relationships, STEM, Survey Methods, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood

Lu, Peng

Assistant Professor, Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication
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Research Interests include:  Communication, Education and Learning, Emotion, Environment and Ecosystems, Experimental Methods, Food & Nutrition, Higher Education, STEM

Julie Luft

Luft, Julie

Distinguished Research Professor, Mathematics, Science & Social Studies Education 

Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
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Research Interests include teacher knowledge, teacher education, STEM education, science education, new teachers, and professional development


Ma, Ping

Distinguished Research Professor, Statistics
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Research Interests include bioinformatics, imaging, dimension reduction, big data analytics, and high performance computing

Majewska, Ania

Assistant Professor, Physiology and Pharmacology
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Research Interests include:  Culture, Education and Learning, Higher Education, Infectious Disease, STEM, Survey Methods

Mammadov, Sakhavat
Associate Professor, Educational Psychology

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Research Interests include:  Education and Learning, Emotion, Experimental Methods, Personality, Physical Health and Well-being, STEM, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood