Higher Education

Adah Miller, Emily
Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Education

website | emily.adahmiller@uga.edu

Research Interests include: Culture, Diversity, Education and Learning, Environment and Ecosystems, STEM

Ahn, Daehwan

Assistant Professor, Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics
website | daehwan@uga.edu

Research Interests include:  Computational Methods, Education and Learning, Experimental Methods, Higher Education, Infant and Child Development, Mental Health, Mental Illness and Disorders, Organizations, STEM, Work and Occupations

Tessa Andrews

Andrews, Tessa

Meigs Distinguished Professor, Genetics
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
website | tandrews@uga.edu

Research Interests:  undergraduate STEM education, teacher knowledge, systemic change, evidence-based teaching, instructional change

Bagdy, Lauren
Assistant Professor, Workforce Education and Instructional Technology

website | lauren.bagdy@uga.edu

Research Interests include: Assessment and Evaluation, Education and Learning, Higher Education, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood

Barger, M.

Barger, Michael

Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology
2023-2025 Grant Development Program Participant
website | michael.barger@uga.edu

Research Interests include motivation, STEM, developmental psychology, mindsets, and beliefs

Bolger, Molly
Associate Professor, Cellular Biology

website | molly.bolger@uga.edu

Research Interests include: Education and Learning, Higher Education, STEM

Peggy Brickman

Brickman, Peggy

Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor, Plant Biology
website | brickman@uga.edu

Research Interests include group work, collaborative learning, undergraduates, and professional development

Bush, Bryana

Lecturer, Physiology & Pharmacology
website | b.bush@uga.edu

Research Interests include: Assessment and Evaluation, Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Cognition, Communication, Diversity, Education and Learning, Higher Education, STEM

Chacon, Dustin
Assistant Professor, Linguistics

website | dustin.chacon@uga.edu

Research Interests include: Cognition, Experimental Methods, Infant and Child Development, Neuroscience

Chapman-Hilliard, Collette
Associate Professor, Counseling and Human Development Services

website | collette.hilliard@uga.edu

Research Interests include: Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Culture, Diversity, Higher Education, Identity, Mental Health, Mental Illness and Disorders, Survey Methods, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood

Cooper, Alexandra

Post-doctoral Researcher, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
website | alexandra.cooper@uga.edu

Research Interests include: Instructor reasoning; Research teaching; Science practice instruction

Erin Dolan

Dolan, Erin

Meigs Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
2023 OIBR Lillian Eby Mentoring Award Recipient
website | eldolan@uga.edu

Research Interests include research training, mentorship, and career development

Goodwin, Emma

Assistant Professor, Microbiology
website | emma.goodwin@uga.edu

Research Interests: Assessment and Evaluation, Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Diversity, Education and Learning, Higher Education, Identity, Mental Health, Social Psychology, STEM

Halmo, Stephanie

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Cellular Biology
website | shalmo27@uga.edu

Research Interests include: Student thinking; Metacognition; Problem solving; Group work


Heil, Austin

Academic Professional Associate, Marine Science
website | austin.heil@uga.edu

Research Interests include: Education and Learning, Higher Education, STEM

Hannah Krimm

Krimm, Hannah

Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences & Special Education
website | hannah.krimm@uga.edu

Research Interests include developmental language disorders, reading, writing, and dyslexia

Paula Lemons

Lemons, Paula

Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Associate Dean for Social and Behavioral Sciences
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
website | plemons@uga.edu

Research Interests include pedagogy, assessment, cognition, and organizational change

Lu, Peng

Assistant Professor, Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication
website | penglu@uga.edu

Research Interests include:  Communication, Education and Learning, Emotion, Environment and Ecosystems, Experimental Methods, Food & Nutrition, Higher Education, STEM

Majewska, Ania

Assistant Professor, Physiology and Pharmacology
website | majewska@uga.edu

Research Interests include:  Culture, Education and Learning, Higher Education, Infectious Disease, STEM, Survey Methods

Ovid, Dax

Assistant Professor, Physiology and Pharmacology
website | dax@uga.edu

Research Interests include: Curriculum studies; Higher education; Instructor talk; Study abroad

Rivero, Rosanna

Associate Professor, College of Environment + Design
website | rrivero@uga.edu

Research Interests: Education and Learning, Environment and Ecosystems, Geographic Information Systems, Higher Education, STEM, Survey Methods

Rodrigues, Usha

Dean and University Professor, School of Law
website | rodrig@uga.edu

Research Interests: Higher Education, Organizations

Russo-Tait, Tatiane

Assistant Professor, Cellular Biology
website | Tati@uga.edu

Research Interests include: Critical consciousness; Equity; Social justice in STEM

Sinha, Gaurav R.
Assistant Professor, Social Work

website | grsinha@uga.edu

Research Interests include: Computational Methods, Higher Education, Mental Health

Smith, Christian
Assistant Professor, Higher Education

website | ChristianSmith@uga.edu

Research Interests include: Education and Learning, Higher Education, Mental Health

Julie Stanton

Stanton, Julie

Meigs Associate Professor, Cellular Biology
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
website | stantonj@uga.edu

Research Interests include metacognition, students of color, and participatory action research

Jennifer Jo Thompson

Thompson, Jennifer Jo

Associate Research Scientist, Crop & Soil Sciences
website | jjthomp@uga.edu

Research Interests include food systems, social justice, policy outcomes, risk perception, and sustainable food


Verma, Amitabh

Associate Professor, Environment + Design
website | averma@uga.edu

Research Interests include drawing, creativity, mental health, urban design, anxiety management, and architecture

Weliweriya, Nandana
Lecturer, Physics and Astronomy

website | nandanaw@uga.edu

Research Interests include: Assessment and Evaluation, Education and Learning, Higher Education, STEM

Wiegert, Craig

Associate Professor, Physics & Astronomy
website | cwiegert@uga.edu

Research Interests: Assessment and Evaluation, Computational Methods, Education and Learning, Higher Education, STEM

Young, Nicholas

Assistant Professor, Physics & Astronomy
website | nicholas.young@uga.edu

Research Interests include: Assessment and Evaluation, Education and Learning, Higher Education, STEM