
Brosius, Peter
Professor, Anthropology
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
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Research Interests include environmental anthropology, cultural politics of conversation, political ecology, hunter-gatherers, transnational environmental movements and institutions, and human ecology in SE Asia

Dazzo, Giovanni
Assistant Professor, Lifelong Education, Administration & Policy
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Research Interests include: Adolescents; Children and Youth; Culture; Education and Learning; LGBTQ; Methods Specialization

German, Laura
Professor, Anthropology
Director, Center for Integrative Conservation Research
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Research Interests include land and environmental governance, property rights, and sub-Saharan Africa

Graizbord, Diana
Assistant Professor, Sociology
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Research Interests include sociology of science, political sociology, globalization, and development and social change

Lapegna, Pablo
Associate Professor, Sociology
2023-2025 Grant Development Program Participant
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Research Interests include: Environmental and rural sociology; Social movements; Political sociology; Health

Melcher, Katherine
Professor, College of Environment and Design
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Research Interests include: Aging and Gerontology, Cognition, Culture, Environment and Ecosystems, Ethnography, Gender, Geographic Information Systems, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, Identity, Mental Health, Obesity, Organizations, Physical Health and Well-being, Policy, Regulation, and Compliance, Prevention and Implementation Science, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood

Mihm, Stephen
Professor, History
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Research Interests include: Economic history; History of organizations

Schlesinger, Ari
Assistant Professor, School of Computing
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Research Interests include: Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Communication, Computational Methods, Culture, Diversity, Education and Learning, Ethnography, Gender, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, Identity, Media, Organizations, Policy, Regulation, and Compliance, Sexuality and Sexual Identity, STEM, Work and Occupations

Seock, Yoo-Kyoung
Professor, Textiles, Merchandising & Interiors
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Research Interests include consumer psychology and behavior, cross-cultural study, and adolescents’ behavioral study

Tanner, Susan
Associate Professor, Anthropology
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Research Interests include: Chronic Disease, Culture, Ethnography, Exercise, Food & Nutrition, Infectious Disease, Physical Health and Well-being, Prevention and Implementation Science, Risk Behaviors, Survey Methods

Thompson, Jennifer Jo
Associate Research Scientist, Crop & Soil Sciences
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Research Interests include food systems, social justice, policy outcomes, risk perception, and sustainable food

Weatherly, Christopher
Assistant Professor, Social Work
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Research Interests include: Environment and Ecosystems, Ethnography, Mental Health, Mental Illness and Disorders