OIBR Speed Networking Event, April 18, 2017, 4-6pm

In response to consistently positive feedback about our “speed research dating” at our annual retreat, we have decided to organize a more targeted OIBR Speed Networking Event on Tuesday, April 18 (4-6pm). This event is designed for those of you actively seeking research collaborators and/or new research opportunities.

We are also encouraging you to “bring a faculty friend” (that is not currently affiliated with OIBR). If you know someone that might benefit from affiliating with the Institute, is doing research in the social & behavioral sciences, and/or is looking for research collaborators/new research opportunities, please bring them with you. Note- you do not have to bring another faculty member to attend this event, but more guests = more collaborating opportunities.

For more information and to RSVP, contact Andrea Horsman@ ahorsman@uga.edu