Wiegert, Craig
Wiegert, Craig
Associate Professor, Physics & Astronomy
website | cwiegert@uga.edu
Research Interests: Assessment and Evaluation, Computational Methods, Education and Learning, Higher Education, STEM
Wiegert, Craig
Associate Professor, Physics & Astronomy
website | cwiegert@uga.edu
Research Interests: Assessment and Evaluation, Computational Methods, Education and Learning, Higher Education, STEM
Rivero, Rosanna
Associate Professor, College of Environment + Design
website | rrivero@uga.edu
Research Interests: Education and Learning, Environment and Ecosystems, Geographic Information Systems, Higher Education, STEM, Survey Methods
Goodwin, Emma
Assistant Professor, Microbiology
website | emma.goodwin@uga.edu
Research Interests: Assessment and Evaluation, Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Diversity, Education and Learning, Higher Education, Identity, Mental Health, Social Psychology, STEM
Heil, Austin
Academic Professional Associate, Marine Science
website | austin.heil@uga.edu
Research Interests include: Education and Learning, Higher Education, STEM
Bush, Bryana
Lecturer, Physiology & Pharmacology
website | b.bush@uga.edu
Research Interests include: Assessment and Evaluation, Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Cognition, Communication, Diversity, Education and Learning, Higher Education, STEM
Research Interests include: Education and Learning, Higher Education, Mental Health
Research Interests include: Education and Learning, Higher Education, STEM
Research Interests include: Culture, Diversity, Education and Learning, Environment and Ecosystems, STEM
Research Interests include: Cognition, Experimental Methods, Infant and Child Development, Neuroscience
Research Interests include: Assessment and Evaluation, Education and Learning, Higher Education, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood