Mental Health

Abraham, Amanda
Michael and Caroline Fierman Professor, Public and International Affairs
Distinguished Scholar, 2014 GDPP Graduate, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
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Research Interests include health policy, substance use disorder treatment, accessibility/quality of SUD treatment, organizational change, and maternal health

Abraham, Anna
E. Paul Torrance Professor, Educational Psychology
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Research Interests include creativity, imagination, neuroscience, neuropsychology, and cognition

Ahn, Daehwan
Assistant Professor, Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics
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Research Interests include: Computational Methods, Education and Learning, Experimental Methods, Higher Education, Infant and Child Development, Mental Health, Mental Illness and Disorders, Organizations, STEM, Work and Occupations

Antonoudi, Efthymia (Effie)
Assistant Professor, Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics
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Research Interests include: Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Diversity, Education and Learning, Immigration, Marriage, Family, and Close Relationships, Mental Health, Substance Use and Addiction

Arroyo, Analisa
Associate Professor, Communication Studies
2015-17 GDP Participant, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
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Research Interests include intergenerational transmission of body image issues and its relation to mental and physical health outcomes (e.g. depression, eating disorders, overweight/obesity, exercise, dieting, etc.) among grandmother-mother-daughter triads

Banks, Leon
Assistant Professor, Social Work
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Research Interests include: Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Culture, Diversity, Mental Health, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood

Bauer, Brian
Assistant Professor, Psychology
2022-2024 GDP Participant, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
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Research Interests include: Suicide; Behavioral economics; Decisions

Beach, Steven R.H.
Co-Director, Center for Family Research
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
2023 OIBR Service Legacy Award Recipient
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Caughy, Margaret
Georgia Athletic Association Professor, Family Health Disparities
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
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Research Interests include academic achievement, self-regulation, and minoritized populations

Chapman-Hilliard, Collette
Associate Professor, Counseling and Human Development Services
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Research Interests include: Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Culture, Diversity, Higher Education, Identity, Mental Health, Mental Illness and Disorders, Survey Methods, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood

Chen, Zhuo (Adam)
Professor, Health Policy & Management
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Research Interests include social determinants of health, health economics, health disparities, mental health, genomics, and gender

Clementz, Brett
Professor, Psychology
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
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Research Interests include visual & auditory processing; saccadic eye movements; higher level cognitive operations between normal & psychiatric groups (schiz); brain plasticity; brain changes that occur during aging; and prospective memory
Correia, Stephen
Associate Professor, Health Promotion & Behavior
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Research Interests: Aging and Gerontology, Cognition, Mental Health, Neuroscience

Ehrlich, Katie
Associate Professor, Psychology
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
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Research Interests include social determinants of health, inflammation, stress, and resilience

Elkins, Jennifer
Associate Professor, Social Work
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Research Interests include sexual abuse and child maltreatment, interpersonal and multigenerational trauma, violence and loss, PTSD and trauma related disorders, ecological/transactional and risk/resilience processes across the lifespan, and culturally congruent research and practice

Emerson, Kerstin Gerst
Clinical Associate Professor, Health Policy & Management
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Research Interests include aging, social isolation, loneliness among older adults, social engagement for seniors, and minority aging

Fan, Lu
Associate Professor, Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics
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Research Interests include: Aging and Gerontology, Assessment and Evaluation, Cognition, Education and Learning, Emotion, Gender, Mental Health, Personality, Social Psychology, Survey Methods, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood

Fisher, Sycarah
Associate Professor, Educational Psychology
2020-22 GDP Participant, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
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Research Interests include substance use, minorities, African Americans, school mental health, and implementation science
Foohey, Pamela
Professor, School of Law
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Research Interests: Aging and Gerontology, Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Emotion, Gender, Marriage, Family, and Close Relationships, Mental Health, Networks, Organizations, Physical Health and Well-being, Policy, Regulation, and Compliance, Sexuality and Sexual Identity, Substance Use and Addiction, Survey Methods, Work and Occupations

Fusco, Rachel
Associate Professor, Social Work
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Research Interests include substance use, child maltreatment, and domestic violence

Galvan, Thania
Assistant Professor, Psychology
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Research Interests include: Mental health disparities; Latinx youth & families; Latinx immigrants; Traumatic stress; Risk & Resilience pathways

Geier, Charles
Professor, Human Development and Family Science
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Research Interests include: Cognition, Computational Methods, Diversity, Emotion, Experimental Methods, Food & Nutrition, Mental Health, Mental Illness and Disorders, Networks, Neuroscience, Obesity, Physical Health and Well-being, Psychophysiology, Risk Behaviors, Substance Use and Addiction, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood

Gibbs, Jeremy
Associate Professor, Social Work
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Research Interests include sexual minority youth, behavioral health, and technology informed methodology
Goodwin, Emma
Assistant Professor, Microbiology
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Research Interests: Assessment and Evaluation, Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Diversity, Education and Learning, Higher Education, Identity, Mental Health, Social Psychology, STEM

Haider, M. Rifat
Assistant Professor, Health Policy & Management
2022-2024 GDP Participant, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
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Research Interests include: HIV/AIDS; Substance abuse; Maternal & child health

Han, Jeong-Yeob
Associate Professor, Advertising
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Research Interests include eHealth communication, social media, online communities, cancer communication, and media effects

Harrison, Ashley
Associate Professor, Educational Psychology
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Research Interests include atypical emotional and social attention in childhood psychopathology, information-processing framework to examine the differential developmental trajectory of social attention among individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and identifying ways to more effectively treat attention impairments

He, Yimin
Assistant Professor, Psychology
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Research Interests include: Culture, Mental Health, Networks, Organizations, Physical Health and Well-being, Survey Methods, Work and Occupations

Kogan, Steve
Professor, Human Development and Family Science
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
2021 OIBR Mentoring Legacy Award Recipient
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Research Interests include Black youth, adolescent development, mental health, and racial discrimination

Koss, Kalsea
Assistant Professor, Human Development & Family Science
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Research Interests include stress, adversity, puberty, developmental psychopathology, epigenetics, and resilience

Mu, Lan
Professor, Geography
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Research Interests include: Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Computational Methods, Environment and Ecosystems, Food & Nutrition, Geographic Information Systems, Mental Health, Physical Health and Well-being, STEM

Lavner, Justin
Professor, Psychology
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
2022 OIBR Rising Star Award Recipient
2015-17 GDP Participant
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Research Interests include couples, families, prevention, health disparities and LGBTQ

Lieberman-Betz, Rebecca
Professor, Communication Sciences & Special Education
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Research Interests include special needs, parent responsibility, communication development, autism spectrum disorder, developmental disabilities, early childhood, and special education

McDowell, Jennifer
Associate Director, OIBR
Interim Department Head, Psychology
Professor, Psychology
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Research Interests include cognition, psychotic disorders, neuroimaging, and eye movement

Melcher, Katherine
Professor, College of Environment and Design
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Research Interests include: Aging and Gerontology, Cognition, Culture, Environment and Ecosystems, Ethnography, Gender, Geographic Information Systems, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, Identity, Mental Health, Obesity, Organizations, Physical Health and Well-being, Policy, Regulation, and Compliance, Prevention and Implementation Science, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood

Mowbray, Orion
Associate Professor & Interim Associate Dean for Research, Social Work
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Research Interests include mental health, substance use, and criminal justice
Murphy, Patricia
Instructor, School of Law
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Research Interests: Conflict, Emotion, Maltreatment and Trauma, Marriage, Family, and Close Relationships, Mental Health, Social Psychology

Neuharth-Pritchett, Stacey
Senior Associate Dean for Academic Programs, College of Education
Professor, Educational Psychology
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
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Research Interests include young children, poverty, health, Head Start, and ACEs

O’Neal, Catherine
Associate Research Scientist, Human Development & Family Science
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
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Research Interests include life course, cumulative life experiences, health and well-being, adolescent life stage, vulnerable populations, military families; racial/ethnic minorities, and health outcomes

Oshri, Assaf
Professor, Human Development & Family Science
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
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Research Interests include early adversity and youth resilience

Padilla, Heather
Associate Professor, Health Promotion & Behavior
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Research Interests include evaluation, nutrition, physical activity, worksites, and rural communities

Ravindran, Niyantri
Assistant Professor, Human Development & Family Science
2023-2025 Grant Development Program Participant
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Research Interests include: Parent-child interactions; Emotion socialization; Emotion regulation; Physiological responses to stress; Dynamic methods

Robinson, Michael
Associate Professor, Social Work
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Research Interests include social problems, juvenile delinquency, urban communities, young adults, women in recovery, nutrition, self care, and health disparities

Sabatinelli, Dean
Associate Professor, Psychology
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Research Interests include emotional perception, anxiety, brain connectivity, depression, functional imaging, and sex differences
Sanders, Ashley
Assistant Professor, Psychology
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Research Interests: Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Cognition, Diversity, Environment and Ecosystems, Gender, Genetics and Epigenetics, Infant and Child Development, Infant and Maternal Health, Maltreatment and Trauma, Mental Health, Mental Illness and Disorders, Neuroscience, Psychophysiology, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood
Serviansky, Daniel
Faculty Director of the Program in Alternative Dispute Resolution, School of Law
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Research Interests: Communication, Conflict, Education and Learning, Emotion, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, Identity, Immigration, Marriage, Family, and Close Relationships, Mental Health, Neuroscience, Organizations, Personality, Social Psychology, Work and Occupations

Sinha, Gaurav R.
Assistant Professor, Social Work
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Research Interests include: Computational Methods, Higher Education, Mental Health

Smith, Christian
Assistant Professor, Higher Education
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Research Interests include: Education and Learning, Higher Education, Mental Health

Suveg, Cynthia
Professor, Psychology
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Research Interests include child, family, and developmental psychopathology
Tate, Allan
Associate Professor, Epidemiology & Biostatistics
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Research Interests: Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Chronic Disease, Computational Methods, Diversity, Environment and Ecosystems, Exercise, Food & Nutrition, Immigration, Infant and Child Development, Infant and Maternal Health, Maltreatment and Trauma, Mental Health, Physical Health and Well-being, Prevention and Implementation Science, Risk Behaviors, Survey Methods, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood