

Acheme, Doris

Assistant Professor, Communication Studies
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Research Interests include: Intergroup and intercultural communication; Social identity negotiation; Language attitudes; Racial ideologies

Antonoudi, Efthymia (Effie)

Assistant Professor, Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics
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Research Interests include:  Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Diversity, Education and Learning, Immigration, Marriage, Family, and Close Relationships, Mental Health, Substance Use and Addiction


Galvan, Thania

Assistant Professor, Psychology
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Research Interests include: Mental health disparities; Latinx youth & families; Latinx immigrants; Traumatic stress; Risk & Resilience pathways

Howe, Chad

Professor, Linguistics/Romance Languages/Latin American and Caribbean Studies
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Research Interests: Communication, Computational Methods, Diversity, Immigration, Social Psychology

Huang, Peng

Assistant Professor, Sociology
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Research Interests: Aging and Gerontology, Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Computational Methods, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, Immigration, Infectious Disease, International Relations, Networks, Survey Methods

Li, Niying

Assistant Professor, Clinical & Administrative Pharmacy
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Research Interests include: Aging and Gerontology, Immigration, Policy, Regulation, and Compliance, Survey Methods

Jane McPherson

McPherson, Jane

Associate Professor, Social Work
Director, Global Engagement
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Research Interests include social work, human rights, and Athens history

Orpinas-Sq. 2022

Orpinas, Pamela

Professor, Health Promotion and Behavior
Distinguished Fellow, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
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Research Interests include preventing family violence, dating aggression, and bullying; improving the lives of immigrant and underserved populations; identifying developmental trajectories of children and youth.

Serviansky, Daniel

Faculty Director of the Program in Alternative Dispute Resolution, School of Law
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Research Interests: Communication, Conflict, Education and Learning, Emotion, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, Identity, Immigration, Marriage, Family, and Close Relationships, Mental Health, Neuroscience, Organizations, Personality, Social Psychology, Work and Occupations

Singh, Shane

Professor, International Affairs
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Research Interests include: Elections; Democracy; Political attitudes; Electoral behavior; Electoral rules

Tate, Allan

Associate Professor, Epidemiology & Biostatistics
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Research Interests: Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Chronic Disease, Computational Methods, Diversity, Environment and Ecosystems, Exercise, Food & Nutrition, Immigration, Infant and Child Development, Infant and Maternal Health, Maltreatment and Trauma, Mental Health, Physical Health and Well-being, Prevention and Implementation Science, Risk Behaviors, Survey Methods, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood

Elizabeth Wieling

Wieling, Elizabeth

Professor, Human Development & Family Science
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Research Interests include traumatic stress, evidence based interventions for parenting, and Latinx families

Zeng, Yingying

Assistant Professor, Social Work
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Research Interests include: Assessment and Evaluation, Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Gender, Immigration, Mental Health, Policy, Regulation, and Compliance, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood