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Category: Policy, Regulation & Compliance

Jung, Daniel


Jung, Daniel

Assistant Professor, Health Policy & Management
2021-23 GDP Participant, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
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Research Interests include quality of care, long-term care/post-acute care, Medicare/Medicaid policy, unnecessary health care utilization, health disparities, and machine learning methods

Thapa, Janani

Janani Rajbhandari-Thapa

Thapa, Janani

Associate Professor, Health Policy & Management
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Research Interests include policy oriented research primarily field and community based research, program planning and evaluation, and application of behavioral economics in addressing childhood obesity and food behavior

Holloway, Steven

Steven Holloway

Holloway, Steven

Professor, Geography
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Research Interests include the geography of youth labor markets, the impact of public housing on the geographies of poverty and crime, and the geographically contingent nature of discrimination in mortgage lending

Clay, Chad


Clay, Chad

Associate Professor, International Affairs
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Research Interests include international determinants of government respect for human rights, and effect of political processes surrounding human rights on other policy outcomes