He, Yimin

He, Yimin
Assistant Professor, Psychology
website | yiminhe@uga.edu
Research Interests include: Culture, Mental Health, Networks, Organizations, Physical Health and Well-being, Survey Methods, Work and Occupations
Assistant Professor, Psychology
website | yiminhe@uga.edu
Research Interests include: Culture, Mental Health, Networks, Organizations, Physical Health and Well-being, Survey Methods, Work and Occupations
Department Head and Professor, Political Science
website | cmshaire@uga.edu
Research Interests include: Judicial behavior; Gender; Race; Ethnicity
Professor, Sociology
website | jtinkler@uga.edu
Research Interests include gender and race policy intervention, sexual harassment, and discrimination
Associate Professor, Management Information Systems
website | hanisaf@uga.edu
Research Interests include healthcare IT, open-source organizing, social media, and online communities
Assistant Professor, Sociology
website | dgraizbord@uga.edu
Research Interests include sociology of science, political sociology, globalization, and development and social change
Professor, Public Administration & Policy
website | nesbit7@uga.edu
Research Interests include philanthropy, volunteerism, public policies, non-profit organizations, and motivators
Meigs Professor, Sociology
website | jimcov@uga.edu
Research Interests include sociology of work and organizations, work-hour reforms and surgical work
Distinguished Research Professor, Psychology
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
website | leby@uga.edu
Research Interests include occupational health, relationship science, mentoring, and mindfulness
Meigs Distinguished Professor, Genetics
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
website | tandrews@uga.edu
Research Interests: undergraduate STEM education, teacher knowledge, systemic change, evidence-based teaching, instructional change
Associate Research Scientist, Social Work
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
website | lydia@uga.edu
Research Interests: Substance use disorder treatment, cannabis legalization, opioid use disorder, health services research, human trafficking prevalence