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Category: Emotion

Ehrlich, Katie


Ehrlich, Katie

Associate Professor, Psychology
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
website |

Research Interests include social determinants of health, inflammation, stress, and resilience

Brown, Geoffrey

Geoffrey Brown

Brown, Geoffrey

Associate Professor, Human Development and Family Science
Distinguished Scholar, 2014 GDP Graduate, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
website |

Research Interests:  fathering, socioemotional development, infancy, attachment, and African American families

Clay-Warner, Jody

JodyClay-Warner_New Director 8-2022Sq.

Clay-Warner, Jody

Director, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
Meigs Professor, Sociology
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
website |

Research Interests include justice, emotions, violence, and victimization

Robinson, Dawn

Dawn Robinson

Robinson, Dawn

Professor, Sociology
Distinguished Scholar, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research
2021 OIBR Service Legacy Award Recipient
website |

Research Interests include emotion, culture, group processes, and social networks