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Category: Affiliate

Vick, Alfred

Vick, Alfred
Georgia Power Professor in Environmental Ethics, College of Environment and Design

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Research Interests include: Environment and Ecosystems, Exercise, Geographic Information Systems, Obesity, Physical Health and Well-being

Jo, Jeyeon

Jo, Jeyeon
Assistant Professor, Textiles, Merchandising, and Interiors 

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Research Interests include: Computational Methods, Exercise, Physical Health and Well-being, Work and Occupations

Calabria, Jon

Calabria, Jon
Professor, Landscape Architecture

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Research Interests include: Assessment and Evaluation, Culture, Diversity, Education and Learning, Environment and Ecosystems, Geographic Information Systems, Survey Methods

Fan, Lu

Fan, Lu
Assistant Professor, Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics

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Research Interests include: Aging and Gerontology, Assessment and Evaluation, Cognition, Education and Learning, Emotion, Gender, Mental Health, Personality, Social Psychology, Survey Methods, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood

Schlesinger, Ari

Schlesinger, Ari
Assistant Professor, School of Computing

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Research Interests include: Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Communication, Computational Methods, Culture, Diversity, Education and Learning, Ethnography, Gender, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, Identity, Media, Organizations, Policy, Regulation, and Compliance, Sexuality and Sexual Identity, STEM, Work and Occupations

Melcher, Katherine

Melcher, Katherine
Associate Professor, College of Environment and Design

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Research Interests include: Aging and Gerontology, Cognition, Culture, Environment and Ecosystems, Ethnography, Gender, Geographic Information Systems, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, Identity, Mental Health, Obesity, Organizations, Physical Health and Well-being, Policy, Regulation, and Compliance, Prevention and Implementation Science, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood

Mammadov, Sakhavat

Mammadov, Sakhavat
Associate Professor, Educational Psychology

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Research Interests include:  Education and Learning, Emotion, Experimental Methods, Personality, Physical Health and Well-being, STEM, Youth, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood

Olenick, Jeffrey

Olenick, Jeffrey

Assistant Professor, Psychology
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Research Interests include:  Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Computational Methods, Diversity, Education and Learning, Organizations, Work and Occupations

Antonoudi, Efthymia

Antonoudi, Efthymia (Effie)

Assistant Professor, Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics
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Research Interests include:  Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, Diversity, Education and Learning, Immigration, Marriage, Family, and Close Relationships, Mental Health, Substance Use and Addiction